
27 May 2010

Outside is finished

studio 2 1 studio 2 2

studio 2 5

Just the flower bed to put in, the path to relay and the lawn to redo!

Inside needs some more work.
Today went to Kelso and came back with a tin of Amethyst Showers number 1. 
A deep purple.  I feel better already!

studio 2 3 studio 2 4


  1. Wow, that building went up really fast! At least, that's from my perspective... probably not yours! Looks cozy and good for sewing inside.

  2. Been watching the growth of your new stude with great interest (and not least a bit of jealousy). All I can say is - can I have one please?

    Enjoy your new space.

  3. I am a bit jealous. But I simple do not have the space for something like this. So please enjoy your space, and please make lots of pictures so that we can enjoy it too.

  4. Wow!! That looks fab helen, you must be really pleased to be looking at a new useable space. Having the deep purple will make you feel warmer in the winter than the icy blue.... Wooler in winter...brrrrr :)

  5. Wow - oh - I can feel myself turning green. But I don't envy the stress and hard work that's been involved with the collapse of the roof on the last one. I'm sure you'll have a great time there.

  6. It just looks stunning, Helen, like the Little House on the Prairie. Aren't you going to have the best time ever creating in such a gorgeous studio?! Can't wait to see what the inside is going to look like!

  7. Looking fantastic Helen. I bet you can't wait to move in properly.

  8. Fabulous! How exciting! I love the shaker colour on the outside. It's a good idea not to replicate the last one, and have this new studio with it's very own personality. Can't wait to see the purple walls, and it all finished and crammed with your lovely work.
    Bet you're itching to get in there and get yourself settled ....

  9. It's just beautiful Helen. Very exciting for you and I can't wait to see what comes out of your new studio.

  10. It looks wonderful - almost finished - you must be so relieved (and excited!)

  11. Sheila12:33 pm

    Looks great Helen, looking forward to seeing it finished.
