
21 May 2010

Let there be light!

Yes the lights are all in!  The central spotlights and a track along the back wall where the art will be hung.  I’d really like to keep ALL clutter off that back wall – just the sofa and cabinet.  Not sure I can manage it but I’m going to try now I’ve got those track lights.

Studio 2 3Studio 2 2

Some of the cabinets arrived today too, the Lakeland boxes fit perfectly.  Almost everything was crated or boxed up after the “disaster” so it made sense to leave them like that and build the shelves around them.  This is my plan to keep that back wall clear.  The cabinet with just one shelf will become a cupboard.  That's where I can hide the hoover and the other clutter. 

Yes, I know, it will be a miracle if I can do it. 

Studio 2 1


  1. Wow, once they started building they certainly didn't hang around. I know the frustration of waiting for them to start must have been ever so tedious, but like a phoenix, this studio is going to rise from the snow ashes, and be even better than before!

  2. Looking good, Helen - can't wait to try it out.

  3. Sarah.L2:05 pm

    Looks fantastic. I hope you will be happy with it. I foresee many hours of decorating to come. So good luck. Nice garden. Do you still have a rabbit?

  4. Sarah.L2:05 pm

    Looks fantastic. I hope you will be happy with it. I foresee many hours of decorating to come. So good luck. Nice garden. Do you still have a rabbit?
