
15 May 2010

Doors and windows

Hello!  Well isn’t this looking good!

Studio 2 2  Studio2 3

My FoQ entry – you’ll have to be patient.  I will reveal all once the deadline has passed.

Natural selection 1


  1. WOW!! the shed is coming on fast, looking forward to a viewing.
    By the time I get north (end of august ;-))))))))))) ) you'll be in and established.
    Bruce is working hard long days and nights with one day off in 12, but as he says what would he do with the time if he had longer off apart from sleep and washing!!!!!!! We are a quarter the way through, hope the time goes as quick for the rest.

  2. the shed is looking so good now,will be so good for you to have all your toys together again :-)

  3. It's looking fabulous, so much light! You'll soon be in now. Btw, deadline for FOQ entry form is 28th I think. I'm going to have to set my size and work to it as I don't think I will get it made before the end of May as was my hope.

  4. That was quick. Long may it stand. Good luck with your entry.

  5. I just love the new studio! (shed? - wish I had one). The snow should slide off the roof of this one!

    Hugz and enjoy spring and Summer!
