
14 April 2010

Working to a deadline

Eleanor Roosevelt from Quotes on Design by Chris Coyier

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself”.

I just love that quote.

Well, its been a very busy two weeks, hence no blogging.  I’m teaching a course for the WSD in August 2011 in Edinburgh, where I proposed to teach a variation on my original Towers of Flowers

Towers of Flowers smaller

When I put in the proposal I notes that I couldn’t show them actual pictures of the new towers because of the studio situation (it was all in my head in fine detail and colour).

Well last week I had an email asking for photo’s by the 23rd April for the Journal!!!  Panic.  I never dreamt they would ask for this 18 months in advance and 3 weeks is short notice for a labour intensive project.

So, 3 weeks notice, two of which are school holiday weeks (so I’m mum 24/7), with a few days away and the third week I’m out for 3 days with other commitments.

So I’ve had to work after 6pm when DH finishes his work and all weekends. 
Not quite the relaxing holiday I was envisaging.

Here I am beading and watching podcasts on the Ipod….

10-4 b 

Painting paper with moonshadow mists and gold acrylic paint….


About to start construction….I’m almost finished now but have run out of brads and despite a 100mile round trip to Hobbycraft I still don’t have any.  I’ve sourced some on the web and hope they arrive quickly.
Once I have the brads I have a few hours work and then I’m finished and ready to photograph.


I’ve put my bright cheery bunting up at the windows as I was beginning to feel as if I was in a prison cell….

10-4 c

During the week days DS and I have been playing all sorts of new games – target practise, trampoline games, going for walks and looking at sheep. 
Today we are getting arty and then DS and I are packing our bags for a trip.


More sheep pictures to follow, cute as ever.


  1. Love the towers, can't wait to see them finished,
    I loved it when Jake was that age, we could have fun together, but now he approaching teenage years and way taller than me he seems to have lost the ability to walk and occasionally talk and eats constantly!!!
    could do with the bars here as another house was broken into very close to me!! can't wait to leave................ am on day 3 and am in 'can do mode'
    enjoy your trip going anywhere nice? i get to spend the weekend in Haydon Bridge ;-))))))))))))

  2. love the towers, flowers & cheery bunting. I won't tell you about the weather we're having up here on the Isle of Skye, it would be too cruel, but I really hope things settle down for you soon!

    Good to have you back & look forward to seeing the towers finished...when you've got a split second ;)

  3. The towers are looking wonderful ............ hope you have a lovely, well earned, break!

  4. Great to see the towers have almost been build! And you definitely deserve your trip. Hope it will be lots of fun.

  5. Love the bunting for your window !
    and i think the quote you've
    printed is fabulous.
    Have you visited the John fluevog website yet ?
    mmmm. dreamy shoes. . .


  6. I remember the Towers of flowers from a magazine article? Stunning! And I love the bunting too.I really enjoy reading your blog.
