
1 April 2010


I love sheep – I could stand and watch them for hours.  Dozy they might be, but they have such personality.  These were taken today – its been sunny, but still freezing with a sprinkle of snow, not good for these little creatures and the mortality rates are suffering with the weather.

BTW the sunlit photos are hardly tweaked with Photoshop – in the new shed the light falls against the back wall, it was just beautiful and the sheep posed beautifully.

Are you ready for LOTS of sheep pictures?

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shed 1

sheep 6

sheep 7

sheep 8

Postnatal care


 sheep 3

Prenatal care

sheep 4
sheep 5     



sheep 2


  1. What cute lambs!!!! Adorable.

    And I love the last photo too, the sheep seems to be having a good think!

  2. Åhhhhhh, and yes - that last one, what was she thinking? Keep them coming, you can never have too many sheep and lambs ☺ (very nearly made that lamps... quite another thing!)

  3. Janice Perkin9:26 pm

    like you I adore sheep - Lambing Live was my programme of the year! - glad the water is going down - am thinking of you all - Spring will be back i promise1

  4. Beautiful pictures!

  5. Bring on the sheep!
    One of my favorite books is Henry Moore's Sheep Sketchbook:

  6. I just love Lambs too, having watched Lambing Live, I want pet Lambs(when we move house). Thanks for your comments Helen.Have a fab weekend.

  7. They really are delightful animals and you've captured them beautifully!

  8. andrea Waistell10:34 pm

    Yes sheep can be nice, but let's face it they are born with a death wish!! I know I have looked after them in the past, doesn't stop them being cute!! Glad water is receeding, shame about the neighbour guess they are in no hurry to move on.
    Hope Star is keep well.
    Keep well

  9. Christine11:51 pm

    Just noticed the lambs in our part of the Borders have started wearing what appear to be plastic carrier bags. The Sainsburys ones are the most stylish. Your indoor flock look much more comfortable - what a gentle enquiring intelligent face in that last photo - surely not a real sheep?!
