22 April 2010

Demolition Day

8.30am this morning

shed demo 2


shed demo 3


shed demolition

Saved more items – friends pics (yes Anne and Tina they are safe!!), a chair, two pine bookcases and a small bookcase, some fabrics and other bits.  The house is a tip again! 
Am exhausted now after moving everything again.  Now it all stops again for a while as we get the base sorted.

I spent the morning at a textile group meeting and it was Janet’s birthday. 
Cake all around and a good laugh.



  1. Hi Helen,
    Wonderful to see such progress being made, even if things are thrown back into chaos indoors :) Hope it all follows swiftly and smoothly with the new build.

  2. Wow - that didn't take long did it. Hope the new one goes up as quickly
