
12 February 2010

What a sad week

Are you mourning the loss of Alexander McQueen?  I am.  What a waste of a life and such wonderful talent.


I have three favourite designers – Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood and Galliano.  I remember seeing one of AMcQ’s dresses in an exhibition at Belsay Hall – it was my favourite in the show.

If you want to see some wonderful images you can see some here at Google.

And today I went to feed my rabbits and only one came running out.  Skittle has died.  He was 6.5yrs old.

We are all very, very sad indeed.

Here is the last photo I took on Feb 2nd, Skittles highlighted.


This was Jan 1st.


And here they are having Christmas lunch, Skittles is at the front.  Aren’t they beautiful creatures?


They often sat snuggled up to each other, poor Star will be on his own now. 



  1. Oh my fave 3 too - so sad about McQueen :(
    and a shame about the bunny too

  2. How awful for you all to lose a loved pet, poor Skittle. Hope little Star doesn't pine for him too much.
    And Alexander McQueen .... always a waste when talented people leave us too early.

  3. Helen, so sad to hear about Skittle. Poor Star... and you too, of course.

  4. Oh, it's always such a wrench to lose a much-loved pet and I feel for you all!

  5. Janice Perkin6:44 pm

    sorry about Skittles - pets are really important in one's lifw

  6. Hi Helen just arrived in Paris and connected again. So sorry to here about Skittle, you must all be so sad. I hope Star is holding up and not pining too much. Thinking of you all. x
