
10 February 2010

Tea Dyeing – important announcement

Here are the two lots straight from the oven – I roasted them for another 5 hours this morning.

LHS is new tin, 9 tea bags, RHS old rusty tin, 6 tea bags.

Can you see the problem?


Maybe this will make it clear; below -LHS old rusty tin, RHS new tin.

LHS perfect, RHS not so perfect.


The key to getting the lovely metallic grey/brown is the old rusty tray.

I now have a very precious rusty roasting tray.  Just what every girl needs.


  1. Been following your 'adventures' recently am so pleased that you have found somewhere safe and warm to shelter your precious things from the vagaries of the weather.
    How interesting that he old rusty tin gave the result you wanted, who knew adding rust into the mix would do the job.

    Looking forward to seeing what you make of these.


  2. Janice Perkin6:25 pm

    so glad you are back to playing again! - take care love the dyeing results
