
25 February 2010

Natural Dyeing

Clockwise from top LHS; Alkanet (didn’t work, need to extract with alcohol), Sticklac (lovely pinky purple), Safflower (disappointing), Walnut leaves (lovely green colour but needs a lot of leaves)


Excuse the plastic bags, but here are the results of a weeks worth of dyeing.


What else can you do?

keep calm and buy stuff

The new bathroom suite money is converted to Bernina’s, horn cabinet (delivery May unfortunately) and various accessories.  The Bernina’s arrived today but I can’t find the enthusiasm to unpack them.


  1. OOOHHH i remember those bags from KIrkley Hall and Lindesfarne when we did dying, it was always exciting opening the bags to see what had happened , HAPPY DAYS ;-))))
    I could always unpack for you ;-))
    AND you do have a bathroom suite ...................................

  2. Janice Perkin6:58 pm

    this is all a bit puzzling - what are you doing about the bathroom suite?!
