
3 February 2010


A surprise find in an old sketchbook.

One of my favourite places of all time – Castlerigg stone circle near Keswick, Cumbria.

Note the date – I had time “to sit and stare” then.  DS came along the next year.



  1. Ah, but those days come back quicker than you think, Jake has for a while now sat down and sketched and photographed regardless of where we are or our time constraints. (when he is with us that is!!) it's nice we sketch together and is amazing how we both see the same view but on paper our pictures are different.
    You seem to be getting back on the creative path, Bruce going away to hot and sandy places for a few months in April so he may not get to the lakes with us this year :-(( means lots of school trips by myself and stuck down here. could be worse i suppose

  2. Janice Perkin5:44 pm

    really like this

  3. A good find, I'm sure a piece of work could come from that.
