
30 January 2010

The move starts….

In the kitchen I’ve removed the centre of the table to make some room – boxes that are being sorted ready to move.  Yesterday we managed two full cars – some to tip (four bin bags are you impressed?) and the rest into storage.  Today it’s moving boxes to the business park.


It felt quite good until this happened…… one box slid, another fell….and that’s when you want to give up and scream.


There are boxes and baskets of “bits” that were pulled off the shelves in a real hurry, these need sorting out and boxing up.


But you find some nice surprises too.  Anyone remember these?  A postcard swap on ThreadEnds 2002.  As you know all but one postcard / ATC was ruined but these were safe and sound in a box.  DS had made up a collage on a notice board for me to take across the road.  Looks beautiful.  move3

1 comment:

  1. This all looks like a lot of very hard work, Helen. Hope the discovery of the fabric cards helped a bit! And I for one am definitely very impressed about the 4 bin bags.
