
7 January 2010

End of a long day

Somehow writing the blog at lunch time was quite therapeutic.  I can’t thank everyone enough for their support, kind works and virtual hugs, and offers of help to get back to “normal”. 

But especially my neighbours for helping so much all day.

The container is basic but almost waterproof and will have to house the tables and other furniture that has escaped unscathed.

Damage includes the sewing machines, Pfaff quilting frame, tables, dresser (its holding the roof up), mount cutter, two dress forms and one dressmakers form, several bookcases (ok, all the bookcases), table lights, sofa, display cases, storage chest, plus numerous “bits” like the Bernina embroidery hoops, the gallery hanging system,  piles of new sketchbooks and some fabric. 

All the fabrics were boxed and the dresser protected the threads and beads.  Paints were on bookcases around the edges and so were saved.  Its the stuff in the centre that was damaged.

Here’s a better picture of the Bernina holding up the roof.


A very squashed dress form, sketchbooks and some fabrics and work I can’t get too as they are well and truly squashed and trapped.  My old anglepoise lamp is under there too.


It has been freezing today – even working like mad to get everything done before it got dark we were very cold.


You can see how the roof has caved in here.


And this is how we left it – the roof was propped up whilst we got out what we could.

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That long box is a new mount cutter…. think of the weight on that bookcase.


This is how cold it is here and its snowing again tonight. 

I truly cannot believe how much snow we’ve had here, its snowing now and more is forecast for the next few days.  We heard that some farm sheds had collapsed too – with the animals inside.  Poor things. (Our rabbits are fine – never joke about rabbits being squashed as I did on AD last night).


Doesn't take much imagination to work out how the house looks….. this is a good bit.  But hopefully I’ve found some storage – when we can get out, the lane is totally impassable atm.



  1. I didn't see your lunchtime blog and have just come to you from Bloglines and what a shock! Words defeat me after all your hard work before with the flooding. Thank goodness you are all safe and my heart does go out to you for all the damage. I hope you get a good result from the insurance people and can get sorted once this dreadful weather has gone. Do look after yourself and get some rest, you will get there.

  2. Linda6:26 am

    Thank goodness you weren't working in your studio at the time, and thank goodness for neighbours.

    You didn't mention your finished works are they all safe?

  3. This kind of shock can take a while to get over - look after yourself, one step at at time...

  4. Linda Seward3:06 pm

    Oh Helen, you really have my sympathy. What a terrible mess and more snow forecast! Just take it all slowly and try not to get overwhelmed. At least you are safe and well, and you have managed to salvage quite a bit. My best wishes to you.

  5. Janice Perkin9:11 pm

    Helen I am so sorry - I had hoped that 2010 was going to be a better year for you - I am glad you are all ok though - take care and keep smiling like you did last year - you can get through and I am sure you will have a brilliant open day this year

  6. Sheila2:01 pm

    I love your positivity, take care and sending you lots of virtual help, even though I can't give you physical help.
