
23 October 2009

Which planet am I on?

I ask because I'm not sure I know really.

At the weekend I was in Cumbria at the Quilters Guild Region 15W regional meeting.  Saturday I gave a talk "The Accidental Quilter" and Sunday I taught a workshop on Goddesses.  I had my camera in my bag all the time but forgot to take any photos (as I do when I'm teaching I must get out of this bad habit).


Caribbean Goddess Goddess summer tree

Then I finally decided what to do for the CQGB challenge "Breakthrough".  I had started a piece months ago for this but decide it wasn't working and chopped it up - making it too small for the 90x90 or 60x60cm strict limits (I hate having these limits it doesn't work for me at all - and only 1cm tolerance.  Embroiderers would never demand this regulation). 

Anyway, now I have my design I have realised that the deadline - 6th November -  is not weeks away but only 12 days to account for postage of info.  I have visitors arriving tomorrow for a whole week so I know there is little chance I'm going to get this done.  I thought I had about two weeks after the holidays.

So do I try and work like crazy?  My work is always very labour intensive and I don't produce 4 works in a day.  That's not me - I can do much better than that.  Throwing something together is not my style.

Maybe I'll get going and try, at the least I'll have one piece of work in progress........


  1. These are beautiful as they are!

  2. Julia (ju-north)9:35 am

    Love these colours Helen! Back to your usual self?! We've succumbed to the bug which lots of children seem to have had. Hope you and yours are well now.
