
1 October 2009

Thank goodness its October.

Very rarely do I wish time away but September has been a pretty dreadfully depressing month;

Ric archery

1. I caught Swine Flu.  Not recommended if you can possibly avoid it.

2. I had to cancel the Art Trail Open Studio weekend, disappointing for me after all the hard work and for those who were going to visit.  I don't think the Crossing Borders organisers are very impressed with me as I had to cancel last year too.  But life happens.

3. Land very close to our house has been purchased by a neighbour and goodness knows what we will have happening right next to us.  Large fence / hedge time and I loose my wonderful view but I feel the need to enclose my space and cocoon myself away from the world.  Expensive.

4. The Lawn Mower is terminally dead and and a new one is (another) very expensive purchase.

5. We have two issues to deal with concerning the studio.  A real time consuming hassle and potentially expensive.

6. My cleaner lost two contracts in Wooler and so it's not worth her travelling to me and thus I am just off to clean the house from top to bottom when I would rather be stitching.  That's one day a week completely taken up with housework and the next day spent exhausted resting from housework.

7. The freezer door was left open and all the food defrosted (just after a shopping trip too).

8. Someone I thought was a friend isn't as much of a friend as I thought (which hurts).

9. I have learnt never to trust anyone I don't know really well.  I am too nice and open and the world is full of complete b*!*&*%ds.  I found this out the hard way this month.

10. I have been comfort eating and put on 3lbs (make that 4lbs).

11. I couldn't make my monthly lunch date with good friends.

"Life is just one damned thing after another"     Elbert Hubbard

"There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."     Carl Jung


Ending on a good note (or two);

1. DS has settled into his new school.

2. I have tidied up the office and can see the floor again (though the desk is another task entirely).

3. I've had tea and a chat with some good friends this week.

4. Isabel and Emily Guinea Pig are settled in and growing every day - and they love cuddles.

5. I've lost a cleaner, but gained a gardener.

6. I've had swine flu so I know I'm not going to get it again.

7. I've had two beautiful bunches of flowers from friends (nothing is better to cheer me up).

8. I've had lunch with a good friend I see only very occasionally.

9. Yesterday I spent most of the day stitching and nattering with friends.

10. My house is cleaner now that I'm cleaning it again (but I do wish it would stay perfect for more than 5 hours).


Time to contemplate the new month and its opportunities...
and take the advice of Buddha...

 Pastel goddess

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."     Buddha


  1. Janice Perkin4:09 pm

    poor you - Sept hasn't been good for you has it - but you are good to count your blessings!as long as you are still fired up by your work and we get a bit of Autumn sunshine you'll be ok!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that October will be a great month for you, Helen. You SO DESERVE it, after all that hassle in September. May the goddess of creativity guide and protect you and also provide you with lots of fun!! Do what I do when hard times hit. Buy something for yourself and hang the expense!!

  3. Hi

    Funny you say that but I have had some similar experiences in September, but I woke up today, new day, new month, feeling like something had lifted. I wish you the same feeling! Life is an attitude, see the bad or see the good. Sometimes, it's hard to see the good but it is there


  4. pleased to see you can see the positive, I like the Buddha quote best,

    that's a lovely photo of DS,

    I like your opulent lounge, very cosy, especially on wet and windy days like today,

    love the critters ;o)

    love Frances

  5. Hi,
    sorry september has been a pants month for you. It's awful when someone you think is a friend lets you down big time, you are a trusting, kind and generous person by nature I'm so glad i went to that class in lindesfarne school and met you.
    You are right to count your blessings, a wonderful son, husband, you live in a beautiful place and you have a talent that i would give my left arm (remember i'm left handed!!) for half an ounce of.

    house tidy for more than an hour would be nice!! most of the time there is only me in our house and i would love to know who comes in a messes it up!!!! ;->>

    virtual hugs and flowers xx


  6. Just popped in to see how you're doing. You seem to be in much better spirits. Love the lists, it helps to focus. Can identify with no 8 on list 1 so agree with no 9. Above all else I'm pleased you've done some stitching.
    There are things out there that give pleasure and inspire (apart from your nearest and dearest!)- virginia creeper turning bright red, the trees changing into their autumn splendour, blue pumpkins!!!!!

    Keep your chin up
    Kindest regards

  7. I have really enjoyed leafing through your blog. I LOVE your lounge - peaceful but sensuous. xx
