
10 September 2009

Studio closed reminder

Studio is closed

Helen has suspected Swine Flu

So sorry for any disappointment – she is disappointed too.

That's the wording on my poster for the end of the drive.

Just wanted to remind everyone not to come along on Fri -Sat - Sun as I am unwell.

Energy has gone, everything aches, food is not staying where it should.  Keep away!

I do worry though, that some poor soul will come and be disappointed.

I feel so guilty for letting people down.


  1. The most important thing is you take care of yourself, have you seen a doctor? Will you ride it out or go for the tamiflu?

  2. Listen to your body. Relax. Sleep. Drink lots of liquids. The world will go on until you heal yourself. Quilters can be patient. If not, they will learn. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  3. Andrea Waistell10:10 am

    Helen, so sorry to hear you are not well, look after yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

  4. No guilt! Rest and feel better. I hope that happens quickly for you.

  5. Janice Perkin9:37 am

    so sorry to hear you are not well - poor you - you take two steps forward and 4 back - take care - hope to get up on a course with you at sometime

  6. Sorry you're not well - what a pain. Take care and time getting better.
    I think people would rather have a you well, so no guilt.
    Try Welchs Purple Grape Juice - tastes great and does you good too.
    Best wishes.....
