
29 September 2009

Interior Design

Many years ago I started a distance learning Interior Design course with KLC and although I never finished the course (maybe I should resurrect it) I still love Interior Design.  If only my house and budget were bigger I'd have great fun.

Recently I got some new footstools for the sitting room and some cushions.  The wonderful people at even matched the cushions to the footstool colours.

(Btw Plumo also have these stools - but they are £20 -each- more expensive)

  stool collage

And finally I finished hemming the curtains in the sitting room.  The embroidery is a table cloth from Dubai.  It was stitched to a cream mesh which I disliked so I FME it all to the curtain material, then cut away the mesh.  Simple tab tops complete the look.  We use this room in the evenings and its my exotic sanctuary from the world. 


sitting r1

28 September 2009

Official diagnosis and some new babies

It's official - I did have Swine Flu and as a friend of mine said "its a swine to get over".  3.5 weeks later and I am still snuffling and exhausted, though my Dr thinks I'm not contagious anymore. 

So I know I was right to not open the Studio for the Art Trail.

Fascinating that these little viruses can make us feel so awful. 
(I used to work in a lab looking for viruses like this - I loved it, best job I ever had).


To cheer myself up I went shopping........ Let me introduce Isabel (left) and Emily (right).  They have been with us for a week now.

GPSept09 2

GPSept09 1

They are now 10 weeks old and Emily is renamed Emily Widdle. 
Because she does.
Almost every time you pick her up.

19 September 2009

Mid-Year Journal Quilts

Journal Quilts for 2009 are 6" x 12" (for the Contemporary Quilt Group), I've forgotten to post these for you to look at..... they are bound with black bias binding which really sets them off.  I have three larger hangings in this style which I will photograph sometime soon (and another in progress and plans for yet another few).  Not sure what I will do for the September JQ - better get thinking as we are more than half way through the month.  I might carry on working in this series.... or I might start a fresh set of ideas.....
If I can think of any that is.

These works are made with hand dyed silks,rayon, silk cotton mix and silk velvet.  Dyed with procion dye.  Grey threads are Anchor (or was it DMC?) 6 stranded using two strands and Mulberry Silks red silk thread (my favourite in the whole wide world to use).  The metallic machine thread used in June is from Madeira.

My "flu" is still with me - sore throat and an annoying cough now. 
OK, back to the new Dan Brown book that I started at 6am this morning..........


May 2009


June 2009


July 2009


August 2009

16 September 2009

School Days

Last week DS started a new school.  He looked so smart and grown up in his new uniform. 

Ric first day 09

Ric first day2 09

15 September 2009

Autumn and thanks

The weather is turning here, the temperatures are rarely higher than 17-18 degrees during the day and the mornings and evenings are really chilly.  Leaves have started turning colour and falling.  Autumn is coming.  I love the colours and the coolness - just wish I could keep the light.  I miss the light during the days.

I have to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has sent a message or left a comment wishing me well.  The worst is over but I am left feeling like a wrung out rag.

Janice was correct to say I've taken 2 steps forward and 4 back this year.... certainly feels that way.  It all seems to have gone downhill since the cancellation of Andalusia in April. 

So the next few months must be recovery and planning for 2011.  Yes, 2011.  I've just a few teaching commitments left in 2009 and a few for 2010 but in 2011 I am at the Loch Lomond Quilt show in April and Pebbles Gallery in November.  I'm also going to try and arrange one more exhibition locally during that time.  So that's 18 months to rest, recover and make new art.

Here are some pictures of the studio as it was left last week - all that was required was the hanging of the new textiles pieces and photographs. 
These are not "arty" pics - just taken yesterday and the light was limited. 

















10 September 2009

Studio closed reminder

Studio is closed

Helen has suspected Swine Flu

So sorry for any disappointment – she is disappointed too.

That's the wording on my poster for the end of the drive.

Just wanted to remind everyone not to come along on Fri -Sat - Sun as I am unwell.

Energy has gone, everything aches, food is not staying where it should.  Keep away!

I do worry though, that some poor soul will come and be disappointed.

I feel so guilty for letting people down.

7 September 2009

Important - Cancelled Open Studio

It is with REAL regret that I am writing to let everyone know that the studio open day is cancelled. 

I am strongly suspected of having the dreaded swine flu and can only just drag myself out of bed.

I am as disappointed as those who might be planning to visit (after months of work and preparation) - but you really don't want to meet me this week!

I do hope no one turns up with a wasted journey.


4 September 2009

Guest blogger

Today we have a guest blogger to entertain you. 
Here he shows his latest work, all designed and stitched by DS himself. 

Isn't it just wonderful?

Ric pic

3 September 2009

Festival of Quilts

I managed to make it to the Festival of Quilts - just.  I hobbled around very slowly and I'm still recovering.

I always get drawn to this shop.  I've never been to Africa but I do have a fascination for it - the culture and the mark making in the arts and fabrics.


I came away with one of these (this is off the web site I haven't unpacked mine yet). 
I'm going to get some more of this Indigo wax print fabric and do something but I'm not sure what yet.  I want to play - with no rules and restrictions.  You can see the wonderful African fabrics here.

african fab

The SAQA stand.  Shall I start my membership again?  (I let it lapse for a while).  I'm waiting to hear what's going on in Europe (and the UK especially) before re-joining. 


I do love this fabric but resisted the books as I know I would never get around to making them.  Well......maybe I should sometime if I like them enough. 
I find it hard to follow someone else's designs when I've been trained to create original artwork.



2 September 2009

Glendale Show 2009

Every August Bank Holiday the Glendale Show is set up - the largest in north Northumberland. 
For us its just a walk across the fields (well for me a very slow walk hanging onto Ian).

Of course it's mainly about tractors...


and sheep... (and discussions about sheep)...


and who has the largest leeks...


For us it's also about entering and taking part...



But lets not forget the Sloe Gin, owls and, for DH, motorbikes...

glen collage

I love seeing the beautiful flowers...



1 September 2009

EG Northern Region Summer School 2009

 Landscape Impressions

EG regional09-01



What a great class they were.  They worked really hard for three days and produced wonderful work.

Thanks for the flowers and the token girls, much appreciated.

If you are interested in joining the Embroiderers Guild in North Northumberland there is a branch in Alnwick - meeting on the first Saturday of the month.  Drop me an email or leave a comment if you want more information.  Being a member of the guild gives you a monthly meeting with either a speaker or a workshop and you are entitled to attend these regional summer schools.

The Count Down begins ......

studio open day


Can it really be 1st September?
It is?  Really?  So only 11 days to go. 

Come along if you can....

Paintings, textiles, jewellery

Textile supplies

Look for signs for the Art Trail and Crossing Borders.
We are just off the A697 south of Wooler, plenty of parking.

CB trail poster