
2 August 2009

Feeling down

When I came back from Urchfont I discovered that the house and studio had nearly flooded again - within 1/2inch of coming through the door and floor.  The studio is still damp - you can feel it through the floor.

Look at the damage the water has done again.....we now have a dam!
Getting the government agencies to take action (only they can action work on the river, not the land / river owners) is like, well, you can guess.  I am phoning and asking for action as much as I can.

Wednesday I have a site visit from the Environment Agency and I can only try my best to put my point across.  Wish me luck.



Can you see the fence across the water..... a chunk of field has disappeared again.


And my little baby isn't a baby anymore!  This was his last day at First School, from September he'll be going to the Middle School for four years.

Rics last schol day July09

We celebrated his leaving with a meal out in Wooler - this was my pudding....... wonderful!


DS had some friends around on Saturday - his birthday is next week,
but its a good excuse for a cake and candles :)

Cake July09

Ric Keiran Brandon Aug09

Also this week I discovered that I have lost a huge chunk of my blog pics.... anything before April 2009 has disappeared!  Seems the album has been deleted in Blogger.  It coincides with the blog being moved to the new web site but I'm not sure if this is the cause.  This is a HUGE loss to me - all those memories and photos of daily life.  I have family pics backed up of course, but not the little snippets of everyday life.

Depressing.  Very depressing.  Hugely depressing.  *sob*

And my energy levels have gone to minus readings....... I would give almost anything to be rid of the ME. 

I'm fed up of being so tired and drained all the time. 
Life is such an effort these days and I want it to be fun again.

Guess it will feel better again soon........


  1. Fooding is such a ahorrible thing. I remember our hose being flooded when I was 12. It was very traumatic. I hope you can get the government to give you some attention soon.

  2. Sorry you are feeling down and that you lost those pictures. Digital photos are wonderful, but so hard to keep them all backed up in case of hard drive failure. Hope this are looking up soon.

  3. petoskystone1:33 pm

    such frustration!! hope that a miracle occurs & the gov't. actually takes constructive action. oh my--that is a heartbreak--to lose the photos. but, congratulations on raising such a fine young man! :) i hope that you feel better soon--that the dampness leaves your body as well as your house.

  4. How very frightening for you. I do hope you can get some action from the "powers that be". No wonder you feel so low with your studio repeatedly at risk and losing all your pics. I hope the weather picks up soon and you feel a bit better. ME is tough to live with.

  5. So sorry to read all your woes here. Hopefully, all will turn out well and you'll be feeling better soon and back in the creative mode.

  6. What happened to that little boy who came to the class our at Lindesfarne? It's not that long ago... or is it? How much longer before he is taller than you? Jake has been taller than me since Christmas.
    Hope you get some joy from Government dept,
    Make sure you rest,
