
5 May 2009

A Birthday weekend should start on Saturday with the sun shinning, a glass of wine, children occupying themselves and a good BBQ. But it is only complete if you have some VERY special friends to share it with.

An afternoon walk to the river and a reminder of just how much it changed last September in the floods. Where Malc is standing on the RHS used to be river bank. Yes, it's changed THAT much.

Sunday morning started with present opening. No, you can't see me preshower/premakeup/prehairbrushing in my jammies.

Post candle blowing. I was cruel to DH and lit lots of candles, he gave me a token white glittery one.

In the afternoon we headed over the waves (well along the Causeway) to Lindisfarne (an island when the tide comes in).

The Perfect Beach? Only one other family within miles... on a Bank Holiday Sunday afternoon. But Shhh..... don't tell everyone Northumberland is this beautiful. It's not called the "Hidden Kingdom" for nothing. Why do you think we moved here???

An evening meal out in Wooler. The chef did a gluten/dairy free special which was gorgeous. Two pics of old friends (we met 24yrs ago!)

And the men - who have also been good friends for 20 years.

The kids were no trouble all weekend. Not a squeak. Looks like the boys will be good friends too. Good job really!

I even liked the dog (Ozzie, 5 months old).

Photos from Lindisfarne Priory are on the Photography blog here. Go and take a quick look.


  1. Happy Birthday Helen. It sounds like the perfect weekend.

  2. a happy (belated) birthday! glad the sun shone for you & yours.

  3. Janice Perkin9:07 pm

    glad you had a good birthday - you weren't at the Balck Bull by any chance were you?!!!!!- the photos are great - here's to the next 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The sun shone and great company.
    What a perfect weekend Helen,so pleased you enjoyed it.

  5. It's a bit late but Happy Birthday Helen. Lindisfarne looks beautiful. It's one of my favourite places.
