11 September 2017
22 April 2017
Problems with blogging
…. so, now at least I know why I can’t post pictures to Blogger using my usual App
"Picasa has been folded into Google Photos, and in the course of the transition, Google has forbidden apps such as MarsEdit from creating albums on the service."
Thanks Google, we love you so much!
I could of course post directly in Blogger, though this is clunky. It will still post to Wordpress…. so maybe this is the time I take the plunge and leave Blogger behind and head to the dark side that is Wordpress?
Off to research to see if I can import blogger posts to Wordpress….
Back soon in some format...
1 April 2017
Bamburgh Castle
I keep a sketchbook of flowers and leaves and other design elements for reference, very handy when designing these pieces of work.
I have an urge to paint….. and to sew in neutrals… but, commercial head on, these colourful pieces will make better cards.
First sketches and ideas.
Adding in colour and thinking of fabrics, all very loose at this stage.
Starting to applique silks and use free motion embroidery to shade the castle on the sand dunes, surrounded by the sea and sky.
31 March 2017
Autumn Moongazer in Progress
Again a combination of felt, liberty print fabric, printed fabric (through my printer), silks and cottons.
Blackberries in the making.
25 March 2017
It's been quiet....
As I’ve been really busy the last few weeks with my self set deadline to product six to ten pieces of work as soon as possible.
All using wool in some way and all suitable for photographing and card making.
Here is the first one in progress.
If you follow me on Instagram you’ll have seen some of these already.
Small, medium or large?
Setting down the main FME elements
Thinking about hand threads.
Happens to us all.
More FME
Refining thread choices.
Working on the hand sewing.
Finished picture coming soon.
Today is a beautiful day and I’m off into the garden for the first time this year.
Looking forward to it, but not sure where to start!
9 March 2017
Just what it’s all about really isn’t it?
That desire to express what's inside you, to give it form, texture, shape, space and colour.
Sometimes it’s easy and looks exactly as you imagined it to be, sometimes it's very hard work and you don’t succeed.
”The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
Oxford Dictionary.
Printing blocks - from a antique sale somewhere, forgotten in the depths of time….. and a piece of Indian jewellery, from a set which I love, but have never worn.
All on the studio shelf behind my main desk.
3 March 2017
Evolution of a flower.....
Thought I would show you how this flower evolved - over hours of work and several days of pondering.
Trying to get the correct colour, adding more petals, softening the background.
For sale in the Etsy Shop
2 March 2017
Cup & Ring Carved Rocks
Morning walk, up a hill past Chatton, looking back towards the Cheviot Hills.
Fantastic view.
Spotting rock art on lonely outcrops
Final destination Ketley Crags.
WOW. One of the best examples I’ve seen and in a stunning setting.
More info on the England Rock Art Site
27 February 2017
26 February 2017
Sari Curtains
When guests are arriving there is an incentive to get on with curtain making….
Beautiful fabrics, though very delicate (no unpicking here) and very slippery!
An excuse to use the elephant ribbon thats been on the shelf for a year and the beaded trim I’ve been hoarding since…… erm….. have forgotten.
Finally complete and hanging. Very pleased with the result,
25 February 2017
When friends arrive......
It’s a great excuse to eat cake…..
Trawl antique shops….. (serving said cake)….
Longngly admire Gothic carving and wonder where on earth you could put it in the house.
Sadly conclude the house is not big enough.
Go for walks on Bamburgh Beach to blow away the cobwebs.
Where the River Tweed meet the Sea.
And a walk around Berwick’s town walls to walk off the cheese….. and wine…. and takeaway….. and night out…...
24 February 2017
23 February 2017
18 February 2017
The Etsy Shop is now LIVE!
There are now almost 50 hare paintings for sale in the Etsy shop.
Each is hand painted on board, they are ready to hang or frame.
"Hares have long held a fascination for me, from their form to their mythology.
Written into each panel, within the many layers of paint are positive words and stories of hares.
The symbols on my hares are inspired by the ancient Rock Art carvings found on the hills close to where I live and work."
17 February 2017
Winter Newsletter
The Winter Newsletter is now live - you can subscribe on the website or follow this link here….. to read it online.
It was a steep learning curve using MailChimp for the first time,
next time it will take me about 15 minutes rather than a whole day!
I am really pleased with the result.
10 February 2017
Hares everywhere!
I'm slowly building up my stock of hare paintings.
These are all painted on board with acrylic paint (I use Golden, not the cheapest, however I think they give the best pure colours).
I use several layers, building up implied textures, using a brush, more often a palette knife, using a fine liner bottle to write about hare mythology. Then I cover most of this up, sounds strange, but it all adds to the final quality of the painting. There are often several more layers of paint to apply, finishing with paint markers to add the dots and lines, maybe another layer on top of all that.
I’ve even been dreaming about them!
Here are a few new ones for you…… very soon, with a week or two the Etsy shop will have these for sale.
They are all ready to hang with a hook or can be mounted and / or framed. Sizes from 5x7”, 8x6” and 10x8” boards with 5x5” and12x12” deep canvas panels.
6 February 2017
Tree in a Culvert
Spotted close to the house, just never walked that way before……
Note to self, walk in different directions!
5 February 2017
Coffee, Art....
Pretty much sums up my working days….
Hares galore.
Etsy shop launching SOON!
Giveaway soon too…. I promise.
4 February 2017
Cold Coldstream
Spotted on the way to Sainsbury’s in Kelso.
Better GF selection there, Scotland has it’s advantages over England, long may we be able to access them!
3 February 2017
Just a quick photo
In their temporary mounts, finished and ready to scan.
Mix of felt, Liberty prints, hand and machine embroidery.
2 February 2017
Watching over the Foxgloves
Spotted in the garden, self seeded, roll on April when I can plant them out.
1 February 2017
Edinburgh Day Trip
Took myself off on a train journey.
Go see it if you can, Joan Eardley perfectly captures the wind and rain on the seashore cottages, the sunlight and the kids of 50’s backstreet Glasgow.
You’l love it or hate it.
I loved it.
And the cake (orange polenta).
As I said on Twitter:
Oh but there are!
When paint hits a surface the magic happens!!!!
Excellent #JoanEardley exhibition.
29 January 2017
28 January 2017
Colours and Textures
Found whilst “wasting” ten minutes before an appointment.
Don’t look at your phone…. look around you.
27 January 2017
26 January 2017
Are you tired of seeing hares here?
No me neither…...
Drawing a new moon gazer
Bringing some to life