
25 February 2015

Snowdrop Time


Snow drops are looking gorgeous in the garden.
We have a really good show this year.

The Daffodils are just coming through too.
Spring must be on its way. 

Time to order from the Sarah Raven catalogue :)

24 February 2015

The Feather

The Magical Feather

Feather close 1

Feather close 2

Feather full

23 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - What Lies below?

 "What lies below" was the prompt from the Documented Life Project 2015.

I immediately thought of Hares - though I realise they don’t actually live in burrows (artistic license!) and I thought of the Cup & Ring marked rocks we find in Northumberland.
So many of which must still be UNDER the ground.

 So here is the spread, I cut through to a second painted page - its not as delicate as I would have liked, but then that’s the point of trying out new ideas, its an experiment, it doesn’t always have to work.  

But it’s a great starting point for refinement and further study.
What I did love was my sleeping hare….. I think you’ll be seeing him again.
Am having a hare thing at the mo…..

Week 5 What lies Below half 001

Week 5 What lies Below little hare copy

Week 5 What lies Below full

22 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - The Labrynth

The Beginning and the End.

 Labrynth: An intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find ones way or reach an exit.  
Any confusingly intricate state of things or events.

Week 2 DL Labrynth close1


Week 2 DL Labrynth close2

Week 2 DL Beginning


21 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - Dream

Sketchbook Work - Dream

We should all Dream.
I think it’s important for the artistic soul.


Wk 43 Dream close 1

Wk 43 Dream close 2

20 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - An artist is....

An Artist is an Explorer…..

(Or as I said when I posted this on Facebook - An artist is... underpaid, undervalued and fed up! - but I was having a bad day!!)

Don’t forget you can find me on Facebook  here.
Would love to see you there.

Facebook logo


Wk 41 book circles close 2

Wk 41 book circles close 1


Wk 41 book circles full


19 February 2015



My “Word" for 2015.

I’m sure I’ll use many more - but this is the one to hold onto and remember its meaning.

Week 1 goal keeper close 1 empowered

Dictionary definitions;

1. Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

2. Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

Week 1 goal keeper

Inside that pouch should be my 2015 goals….. but I haven’t had time to think about them yet.
That says an awful lot. 

Week 1 goal keeper close



18 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - The Crow and the Stones

The Crow and the Stones.

Collaged from an old calendar of Avebury Stone Circle (you see it is GOOD to keep things for years, they WILL come in handy sometime!) along with a photograph of stone sculptures I made in the Ingram Valley. 

Wk 41 Crow and stones

Wk 41 Crwo and stones close 2

17 February 2015

Beacon of Light

Taken directly from the class on Life Book 2015

Its been a LONG time since I sat down to draw.

When I love it so much.

(Note to Self - Get on with drawing more!) 

Week 1 Beacon of Light

16 February 2015

Sketchbook Work - Wild at Heart

 Wild at Heart


Poppies are formed with Silk ribbon.  Didn’t have any trouble find that in my studio!

Week 40 close 1

Wk 40 close 2

15 February 2015

Shall we catch up?


One of the things I’ve realised over the last few weeks is that my life is finely balanced between three spheres - firstly, finding time for my family and friends.  Secondly keeping the house clean and tidy, the cupboards full, the clothes clean and pressed, taking the car for an MOT and all those little things that need doing for a house to run.  
Thirdly and finally, my work.  

Inevitably when something unexpected happens that balance really goes wonky!  
And unfortunately,  its my work that suffers, because simply, the rest can’t suffer.
I have a husband who is more often working away than at home (so although I am a equal opportunities feminist, the house, car and garden do fall to me to look after) and I’m mum to a gorgeous, precious and adorable teenage boy.

So stitching - well, not a lot at all to show you.  
In fact I’d go as far to say, none to show.

Mmm, thats NOT right at all!

What I have been trying to fit in these last few weeks is seeing all my friends, because nothing is more important than friendships.

Week 3 4 Colour and friends

I want to say a HUGE thank you too all those friends both here in Northumberland and to those more geographically challenged (who I meet up with on the internet). 
You have been wonderful with your flowers, coffee, natters, Facebook messages, texts and emails.
Crikey, what would I do without you all. 
You’ve really helped me get through the last 6 or so weeks. 


And to escape to my world of "Helen on her own" (which I do like too) I’ve been painting and drawing.  

I’m following four courses (soon to be three as I finish 48 weeks).


I’m still catching up on Donna Downeys 48 weeks, I’ve just finished week 44 and these weeks are truly wonderful, not only because Donna is a fabulous teacher, but also because the instructions are in real time detail and though I never follow the teacher exactly I don’t need to think too much about what to do.  

I’m following the Life Book 2015 - with videos and ideas to follow on a weekly basis, more illustration type work and good for me - forces me to draw.

I also signed up for the 2015 class from Donna - Inspiration Wednesdays, video’s every two weeks on more mixed media sketchbook work.

Finally the Documented Life Project 2015 where prompts and ideas are thrown out every week. (This one is free btw).

With this with course you do have to think - this is a good stepping stone for me from the set tutorials to my own mixed media work.

Now my brain is working out how to transfer some of the mixed media ideas to fabrics.
Not so easy when a lot of the texture relies on heavy gesso and other mediums, into which you couldn’t stitch, or even bend the fabrics as they would crack and peel off.

But I love a challenge, so watch this space.

Meanwhile, I have a week of catching up planned for you.
Hope you enjoy it after the few weeks of waiting. 

Namaste close 2