
29 September 2014

Down time

After all the excitement of setting up two exhibitions and a summer of tooth and bone infections its been great to stop and just drink coffee.

Flower bed

The garden is still going.  Looking a bit straggly in places, but thats mainly my neglect and the effect of the autumn chill, dampness and lack of light.

Green Man

My green man is still watching over the garden and keeping track of visitors.

Haugh Head

And I’ve chosen the picture I’ll use for my first pastel painting in YEARS……  Its almost a pastel painting as a photograph.  
One of my favourite photographs and taken not far from the house.


16 September 2014

Exhibition is open

The Exhibition is opens today at Bellingham Heritage Centre.

Small, but perfectly formed.

Like moi ;)


15 09 2014



8 September 2014

New Exhibition time



Next week a new exhibition opens at Bellingham Heritage Centre where I will have all new work.
With no magenta (!) - though there is a dash of purple.

I’ll get the photographs taken and post them up here for you soon. 

Poster bellingham 09 2014Helen Artist Statement Bellingham 09 2014



7 September 2014

Choosing thread colours...

…is one of the most enjoyable parts of the process.

Choosing threads 001

Grey spiral in progress

6 September 2014


I’m having a bit of a shisha mirror moment.
Have I finally found a way to combine the imagery of Northumberland with the sparkle of India?


Will this help to stop the feeling of a split stitching personality? 
We can only hope. 

Yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon stitching with silks and watching videos (French Revolution with Coursera).

This piece and other Northumbrian inspired pieces will be exhibited later this month here. 

Shisha sewing 1

Shisha stitich 1

Shisha stitich 2

Shisha stitich 3

4 September 2014

First day of a New School Year

As a mum, September is the beginning of the new school year.  
This time into Year 10 - the start of GCSE’s (or ‘O’ Levels as I still call them sometimes).

 For me September feels like the start of a new year too.

We talk about the start of spring, the start of winter…. but the END of summer.
The end of the growing season in the garden, the end of warm sunny days, the end of long, lazy school holidays spent sleeping and eating.

But also the start of new adventures.
A new school year for son, new studies for mum, writing lists of all the things you want to achieve now the school holidays are over and you have the days to yourself.

And for me - healing from a tooth and then bone infection that has seen me taking antibiotics for 34 days over the holidays, throw in a scratched cornea (still very ow) and I will be happy to start a new chapter.
I promise to capture it through a lens and share it with you.

Here’s to new adventures *raises the coffee mug*. 


Sept butterfly