
25 September 2011

Belated Equinox Greetings

Hello!  Over the summer I’ve not been blogging as much as usual – I’ve been so busy and have loads to catch up on.

One of the courses I’ve recently started is “Learn Something New Everyday”, I discovered this little gem from my friend Gill.


I’m using purchased cards and chipboard and trying not to be precious about using it.  This itself is a learning experience.




14 September 2011

Melrose Abbey

Had a wonderful day at Melrose Abbey with Frieda.  We started with coffee and lunch and then headed across the road to the abbey where we spent a pleasant time marvelling at the architecture (its stunning).


We both took lots of photos.



This is my Blip of the day – a Blip of a Blipper in action




We spent time spotting old gravestones (fascinating) and looking around the museum - on a beautiful sunny day with the most gorgeous blue skies.

8 September 2011


DS is back to school and its too quiet here, I miss his chatter and company.

The Open Studio was successful with 70 or so visitors and several sales.  It was SO busy I forgot to take any photographs! 

Thanks to everyone who offered a donation to the Air Ambulance - I have sent them £20. 
They really are life savers.

I am out of the habit of taking a photo-a-day, something I must start doing again (note to self when finished writing blog pick up camera).
Here are a few photos and there's a link at the bottom of the post to a slide show on my web site.

Please visit my web site for a slide show.  Click here.

1 September 2011

Final Reminder

Open Studio starts tomorrow though to Sunday.  I’m looking forward to it……. but now I must run and get 6 more sets of mirror plates!

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