
29 August 2011

Glendale Show

Had a lovely day at the show – great to see friends and to be able to walk across the field makes it all so relaxed.

I only took the “handbag” camera today, it was a dull day (but dry – hurray!).

My favourites are always the flowers;

glendales show1glendales show2glendales show3glendales show4

Ian goes for the Harleys;

glendales show5

There was only one entry in the “embroidery” section.  How sad is that?  I used to enter, then stopped – maybe I should start again.  Is it OK to enter shows if you teach?  What do you think?

28 August 2011

5 days to go!

More collages finished, framed and most are now hanging up in the studio.

Purple goddess

Purple Goddess, background hand dyed (with the natural dye logwood) and hand painted with markals.


Background hand dyed silk ( with sticklac a natural dye) and hand painted with markals.  Ribbon from the Australian trip in 2008, paper flowers (painted with sprays), peacock printed onto lokta paper.

26 August 2011

One week to go

One week until the Open Studio.  I’m getting really excited now – not least because it encourages the boys to clear up in the garden (and I might even get the caravan washed!)

I’ve been spending time stitching whilst DS has been out at rugby camp and a birthday party.  Nothing has taught me to juggle time/tasks better than the motherhood-self employment situation.

This is my box of bits – for each collage I’ve found something to add as embellishment.  I’m hopeless at making cards so have opted to create small collages – these will be for sale for £35-£45, very reasonably priced.


Would you like to see a few glimpses?

There are Gothic themed;



Bees and butterflies;

Bees1Butterfly treea1

Sewing and seeds;



Starting the framing last night


21 August 2011

12 days and counting

oversized front

Preparations are well underway for the open day – bunting went up today!

Lots more to do, including framing the numerous new pieces of work and finishing four towers and three goddesses.

Sometimes I think I am pushing myself too hard – maybe I should have been sitting in the garden enjoying the sun this afternoon.  Instead I was slaving over a hot sewing machine (and thoroughly enjoying myself).

studio prep

oversized back

20 August 2011

Ceramics and a Castle

Had a fantastic day at Tantallon Studio but forgot to take some photos at the end.  I was so enjoying myself – in a days workshop I made 3 tiles, one round pot, one square pot, several small tiles with holes for stitching and one large “landscape bowl”.  

I haven’t worked in clay since school and it was interesting how “instant” it is compared to textiles…… want to make a pot?  Just roll together and press…. instant mark making, moulding, glueing….  One day I shall get myself to Newcastle for the Ceramics course.  Do you think DH will let me have a kiln?
I can’t wait to see the results after firing.  I used cup and ring marked rocks as inspiration, as I often do in my work.

The view from the studio was amazing – right across the Forth and including Tantallon Castle where I went for a walk after the workshop.  The castle was mostly destroyed in the Civil War by Cromwell.  Can imagine it being wonderful in summer and freezing in winter.
tantaallon castle1 
The approach

Tantallon castle2 
The exposed walls

Tantallon castle3 
Upping the saturation on the rocks gave this amazing colour display

Tantallon castle4 
View from a window

13 August 2011

When you know its going to work….

I find that there is always a set progression to a new project that goes well;

1.Thoughts and ideas (can take weeks to months)

2. Scribbles (unintelligible to anyone but me)

3. Proper planning (i.e you can read the writing on the sketches and plans)

4. Enthusiastic start gathering threads and fabrics together (nothing is more enjoyable than rummaging through and finding just what you needed, its why you absolutely MUST buy so much when you make it to the occasional stitching show)

5. Midway crisis of doomed failure (its just NOT going to work out the way I need it to)

6. A gentle smile when you realise that its actually going to work out just how you planned

7. You realise you really like this and you’re not going to want to put a price tag on it (or even show off it lest anyone else use your ideas)

8. You can’t wait to get into the studio to get it finished (stuff the housework / husband / cooking / gym / shopping / ironing)

9. You’ve finished and you’re PROUD of it

Photos today from a section of todays work, stage 7;


9 August 2011

Happy Birthday my Nerf Warrior

Ric birthday2 2011 - CopyRic birthday 2011 - Copy

DS's birthday today, always a strange day for me - as for most mums I guess, such an amazing thing to give birth. Certainly some very clear memories still there from 11 years ago.
Though last night was much more pleasant and pain free, no contractions every 3 minutes during the hour long trip to hospital in Melrose.  (I still wince every time I drive down the little windy road!)

8 August 2011

Week three

Its week three of the school holidays already.

I’ve been stitching some afternoons whilst DS has been building houses and digging mines.  Him at one end of the kitchen table, me at the other - with an audio book playing in the background.

We’ve been to Ingram to christen the new walking boots and visited the Ice Cream Van for a treat.  We’ve thrown stones and looked at harebells.



We’ve had a paintballing party in the pouring rain…..and today I escaped for a few hours to Newcastle and came home with this….


Photo from the Mint Velvet web site

I can’t believe it actually fits me – shows how loosing half a stone can make a difference.
Not sure where I shall ever wear it – only to work I suspect (I like to dress up for a lecture).  Hoping for lots of dressing up opportunities in the next few months!
I’ll team it with black leggings and long black kitten heel boots.  (As the “Gothic” look is forecast for the autumn I shall be in my element). 

There’s nothing as lovely as kicking off your socks in the summer and wearing long boots in the winter.

2 August 2011

1 August 2011

Open Studio

Come and see me in September!

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