Remember seeing this picture a few days ago?
My neighbours field is famous (this is the sledging field).
Clear here for the BBC website.
30 November 2010
BBC “fame”
New fabrics to play with
We had more snow overnight, – bringing the total so far to 50-60cm. Well over my knees.
I’ve just come in from shovelling snow off the lane - 3+ hours of solid snow shovelling has left me aching everywhere and frozen to the bones.
Don’t ask where the men were….. or the snow plough, enough to say I am NOT happy.
I’ll leave you with a post I wrote a few days ago just for this sort of time…. I’m of to get warm.
We need some COLOUR back into this blog! (Not to mention some sort of textiles theme)
Let me show you some new fabrics that arrived a week or so ago.
I have a new favourite fabric shop - Steamstar Fabrics - I popped these bundles into the shopping basket and they arrived the next day.
Wonderful service.
29 November 2010
Guess what?
Yes – more snow!! Another 5 or 6 inches today.
This was the view this morning, even the prayer flags are sinking!
And this afternoon….
The snow fell off the roof right outside the back door (and that Bay Tree is never going to forgive me).
Returning from sledging
28 November 2010
Its a dull and cold day.
More snow overnight – its now up to my knees so I dug out the paths again….
…. to the car, studio, bins, compost heap, bunny (he’s fine the Eglu is inside an Igloo!)
Not looking forward to having to dig out the lane again.
The boys are having a lazy Sunday, I’ve been doing loads of dusting, washing and hoovering (trying to get rid of the smoke smell – its still lingering on) and trying to do “chores” in case the electricity fails again.
The studio is sinking even further… the snow that fell last night was “sticky” snow
and there’s another load waiting to fall off the roof
I did dig out the steps so I can open the door – but my arms and shoulders ached so much after digging I knew I wouldn't get much done so I came back to the warm house
Saturday afternoon
I was glad to see this NEDL van next to the house with the guys fixing the electricity.
We have a coal fire in the sitting room – but discovered early on Saturday morning that the chimney is blocked.
It was quite a comedy moment and we can STILL smell the smoke in the house.
You could only laugh.
DH was up clearing off the kitchen roof – see the scaffolding?
The guys finally came on Tuesday to fix the guttering that had fallen down in January.
Lets see if this one holds up any better!
Clearing the phone lines and getting ready for sledging.
The snow is up to DS’s knees.
We are lucky to have a convenient sledging hill just over the road at a friend farm
A rare moment of sun and blue skies
The tups are sinking too….
Must be hard work walking in this snow
27 November 2010
Saturday morning
View from the bedroom window – more snow overnight.
The light was very blue – I quite like it, it was very COLD too as we’d had no electricity since 9.30pm the night before.
View from the back door
I had to dig out the Bunny - he’s fine in his igloo
Surely there is some artwork inspiration here?
Snow is now up to the top of our wellies
26 November 2010
Friday afternoon
The boys made it back at lunch time….
I love this shot of DS with that shopping bag :)
A bit of fun before DH started work again….
Meanwhile we are sinking into snow…. (again….)
I am trying to appreciate the beauty….
…. and the painkillers are working.
Friday morning
If the forecast is correct and this is the weather for the next two weeks the house will disappear….
Plus I have cracked a filling and it hurts like hell.
Dentist appointment on the 7th Dec is bad enough but I don’t know if I’ll get there
(would you believe dental care in Northumberland is so wonderful our closest dentist is 40 miles away?)
My intrepid travellers left about 5 minutes ago to head into Wooler for food and painkillers.
And a sledge. Of course.
Though I suspect Wooler has run out of fresh food already.
The novelty has worn off and I want it to stop and warm up now.
25 November 2010
The afternoon walk
Photos taken in the iPhone using the TiltShift camera app. No tweaking in PS.
And its snowing heavily again….
More shots from this morning.
You might remember this wall from January time.
Two variations here – reality is somewhere in the middle.
Went out for another walk about 2pm (to let stroppy 10yrs old run around) but it was too dark for photos.